Contact Hamilton welcomes you. Here, you are safe. We will listen and learn from you.
We promise you respect and understanding.
We know that many people we work with experience ongoing injustices.
We are actively learning about racism and the ways it impacts people.
We value when you let us know how we are doing.
Contact Hamilton Board of Directors Statement Regarding Anti-Racism / Déclaration du Conseil d'administration sur la lutte contre le racisme
Child and Youth Services System Committee Statement Regarding Anti-Black Racism
EDI Policy Statement for Consumers and Stakeholders OC-00-53, 2024-09-04/ Énoncé de politique sur l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion pour les consommateurs et les intervenants
Consumer and Stakeholder Code of Conduct OC-00-22a, 2024-08-22/ Code de conduite pour les consommateurs et les intervenants
Contact Hamilton for Children’s and Developmental Services administers 3 programs:
Children and Youth Services
Our Children and Youth Services program helps children, youth, and their caregivers in the following ways:
DSO HNR Services
Our DSO HNR program helps people aged 16+ years with a developmental disability looking for adult developmental services, in the following ways:
For more information, please visit
Passport Funding Program, Hamilton-Niagara
Our Passport Funding Program provides funding to adults with a confirmed developmental disability for community participation supports, respite and skill development. Referrals come through the DSO. If you are interested in applying for Passport funding, please connect with the DSO.
Our Vision
Thriving children and youth, empowered adults, strong families, inclusive communities.
Our Mission
To enhance quality of life by providing access to information and available services and supports
Service Principles and Values
Contact Hamilton is a values and principles-based organization and strives to adhere to these through its work and conduct.
To this end, Contact Hamilton’s central I.D.E.A. is:
Contact Hamilton board, staff and volunteers will be trustworthy, honest, responsible and will treat people with dignity and respect
Contact Hamilton board, staff and volunteers will be inclusive, fair, equitable, welcoming and provide a safe place to request and receive service
Contact Hamilton board, staff and volunteers will act with compassion, patience and will provide support and guidance
Contact Hamilton board, staff and volunteers will be transparent, responsive and strive for service excellence
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Contact Hamilton is governed by a voluntary board of directors, operating under a policy governance model. Board meetings occur monthly and are open to the public to observe.
For further information about the meeting dates or to enquire about attending a meeting, please call Dayna Setzkorn at 905-522-3304 ext. 229 or 1-877-376-4674 ext 229 or e-mail
If you are interested in becoming a board member, please open (English / Français) for more information and then complete the application package.
In 2017 and 2018, the Board of Directors undertook a review of the organization's Vision, Mission and Service Values and Principles. To support this process, they engaged stakeholders (consumers, families, staff, agency partners and funders). Revisions were made to the Vision, Mission and Service Principles and new Board Priorities were identified.
Governance Priorities
Last Revised July 25th, 2024
How to Reach Us:
140 King Street East, Suite 4
Hamilton, ON, L8N 1B2
Phone: 905-570-8888