As of January 1 2024, Contact Hamilton will no longer be the place to call/connect to if your child/youth requires mental health services.
As of January 1 2024, please contact Lynwood Charlton Centre if you are looking for child/youth mental health services. More information will be available closer to January 1st about how you can connect with Lynwood Charlton Centre. www.lynwoodcharlton.
People can access services for children and youth that have developmental, autism, FASD or complex needs by:
Reach out to us and give us a call! Anyone can call or email us for general information, consultation or to get some help! You can reach us at 905-570-8888 or
Anyone can refer a child/youth to Contact Hamilton for services and supports if they have appropriate consent to do so.
You, or someone on your behalf with consent, may refer you to Contact Hamilton.
Families and Youth can self-refer to Contact Hamilton by
Professionals can refer to Contact Hamilton by completing this referral form:
Your call/referral is important to us!
When you call, email or fax us we will do our best to respond to you right away to:
Our team reviews every referral within 1 business day. In most cases, there will be a wait before a member of the team calls you to discuss your unique situation. You may need to wait up to 5 business days for a return call if we are experiencing high call volumes. When we call you back, we will give you the time you need to talk with us and for us to plan the next steps and referrals with you.
At the time of the call, we will speak with the youth/guardian about the available services and supports that are the best match for the youth.
The youth over 16 or the guardian will decide what services and supports they wish to explore. We will make referral on your behalf with your consent.
Contact Hamilton will only share information with outside services where consent is provided.
A copy of the recommendations and referrals you agree to will be sent to you. With consent, we will also share these with other people you wish us to, such as your family doctor.
If you are concerned about a student’s wellbeing, a good starting point is talking with the student’s school principal or teacher. The links below provide an overview of the services provided by the school boards.
How to Reach Us:
140 King Street East, Suite 4
Hamilton, ON, L8N 1B2
Phone: 905-570-8888